Thursday, November 25, 2004

Writing gives me an appetite!

And since today's Thanksgiving, I'm ready to chow down! Happy Thanksgiving; and if you happen to be a Native American...uh, I feel really bad about what happened to you folks. If it'll make you feel any better, my wife supports the Foxwoods and Mohegan Sun casinos every chance she gets!

Worked on a script for a short movie this morning, based on an idea from Anthony. We spoke yesterday, and he described a funny story about Death he was thinking about. I fleshed it out and wrote it down, and I'll get a copy to him as soon as I can. Who knew the Grim Reaper had a sense of humor?

It's funny, but I can go through long periods of frustration when trying to write, and then I'll happen to sit at my computer with the seed of an idea and the words will just flow out of me onto the screen. That's when writing is fun, when it sort of simply "happens". Maybe someday I'll be skilled enough to force the words out when they resist, but I'm doubtful about that!

No word yet about my friggin' video certification, but no rush now...I'm heading out for St. Louis for next week to train for a new job, and after I get back I'll worry about it. In the interim, I'll have my notebook PC with me and I'm planning on using the nights to write. It's a golden opportunity, since I shouldn't have any distractions. Well, other than my own attention deficient mind that's easily distracted by TV or shiny objects. Maybe I'll ask the hotel to remove the TV from the room...

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