UPDATE: The entire 13:45 documentary is now in a single video. Remember, if the video gets choppy be sure to hit the pause button on the window and give it a minute or two to load, then hit play to continue.
UPDATE 2: I've recently (Sept. 2008) uploaded a higher resolution version of the video.
You can view the regular quality video below, or click on this Youtube Link and then immediately under the video player window you can click on the "full screen" button for an exceptional viewing experience (so says me!)
Thanks, Byron!
Yeah, it looks a lot nicer on a TV; I might upload another version with better resolution at some point. I just shot a couple short videos on my Connecticut Bob blog, too. Been busy as hell lately.
I was lucky with the old photos, because I found them on the 'net ahead of time and I was able to set up the shots. Go to the Links section and select Airline Rail Trail Page, that's where I got the photos, check it out. Yeah, that bridge looked shakey as hell!
There's an even more historic rail trail only about 20 miles from my home that I'm going to shoot after the Summer.
A pretty place, but East Hampton is neither upstate nor in northeastern CT (as referred to in the video). It's just east of center.
True, I should have said central CT...but I live in Milford, and had to drive NORTH on I-91, and EAST on RT 66, so that makes it NORTHEASTERN to me.
But yeah, it's pretty much in the middle...
Hi Bob ,
Great Job on the Trail Movie..
Keep it Up the Good Work..
Gordon Laubach
Media, Pa. ( near Philly, PA)
Hi Bob - thanks for a wonderful video presentation of the Airline Rail Trail. Great work and its one I must come over and cycle.
best wishes
Vince Aitkin, Treasurer, Railtrails Australia
It would be great if you could put a higher resolution version on Google video which could be played in the Google Video player!!
What do you think??
Next time start at Rt 2 parking lot and go north. Some more beautiful spots. The trail is now gravel finished about 2 miles in Lebanon just past lake williams.
Hi Bob! Just wanted to say I love your video!! I live in Amston (between Colchester and Hebron) near the trail -- can't wait to see if you film my favorite part of the trail over by Grayville Falls in Hebron -- it's just beautiful over there! Be sure to take some of the side trails that follow the Jeremy River, you can leave the trail and follow the river, and you end up back at the trail right before Grayville Falls Park - it's really nice in there.
EXCELLENT video, Bob! :) Glad to see you covered the Air Line RR history as well. Judging by the views of Joyce's bike on the trail, looks like the trail is suitable for "road" bikes vs. mountain / hybrid bikes; am I correct in that assumption? I have a Cannondale Recumbent, which uses BMX-style tires; if the trail surface is hard-packed dirt (which it appears to be in your video), I should be able to ride there! ;) Tom
PS- put "WA1LBK" into the YouTube search bar to tour my garden RR! :)
Hi Bob,
I really enjoyed the video. I grew up 2 minutes away from the rail way. I can remember the train going by and blowing the whistle crossing the roadway. I also rode a minibike along the railway growing up, and also fished in the bog not far from the beginning by smith st. I also walked up and down the viaduct and went swimming at the bottom often jumping from the top of the culvert. This bought back many good times I had after they removed the railroad ties. Thanks again.
Gary Bayerowski
P.S. If you are are looking for people to add thoughts or info on the area, please feel free to contact me.
Thanks Gary! At some point I may revisit the trail and update my video. I shot some footage last October, but haven't had the time to work on it yet. I'll keep you in mind when I do get back to the project.
Hi Bob,
Your video was a beautiful, but heartwrenching, walk down memory lane as my family is preparing to sell what was the white house on the hill, seen clearly in the 50's-60's from the viaduct (heading northeast) on the Air Line. As a young girl, at just about 5pm, we would hear the whistle and the train just as it was about to round the bend at Bull Hill before crossing Lyman's Viaduct, and in the winter it's light would shoot right up the valley at our house. The video captures the haunts of my youth and that of my four brothers; our hiking paths, swimming holes, fishing streams---this was literally our playground, nearly private when we were young!
Wow. Thanks so much for sharing that.
I really feel like the rail trail is an amazing monument to that great rail line, with so much history and beauty.
I'm glad you enjoyed the video.
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